Business Relocation: Make Your Move A Seamless Process

Moving a business is never easy. However, there are a few things you can do during the planning phase to ensure a streamlined moving experience. Today’s tips are brought to you by Webster & Co. Moving and can help you relocate with fewer obstacles and without losing productivity.


Plan Ahead


Planning is the single most important thing you can do to reduce disruption when moving a business. This should include creating a moving timeline, letting your employees, vendors, and customers know when you will and will not be operational, and having your new location staged and ready to receive your inventory, equipment, and furniture. Something else to keep in mind here is that you have to not only plan for the move but for future expansion as well.


Update Your Marketing Materials


Everything from your website and social media profiles to your business cards and brochures should have your new address, phone number, and, if applicable, your updated branding images. Fortunately, it’s not hard to revamp all of these, and if you need to update your business cards, for example, click here for quick templates that you can customize with all things related to your business. Make sure to use consistent fonts, images, and colors between all marketing materials.


Register Your Business In Your New State


If you’re not moving across state lines, you can skip this. However, if you’re opening a new location or moving your entire business to another state, you have to register your corporation or LLC in that state. You can do this quickly, affordably, and easily online using a dedicated formation service. Spend a few minutes making sure that your business is compliant with local LLC/corporation laws, as these vary by location.


Find A Coworking Space


A co-working space is a building where freelancers, remote workers, and small businesses can get things done in a clean, flexible, and professional environment. The Canon explains that co-working spaces offer both shared and private offices, and renting a temporary spot here may even open you up to new networking opportunities in your new town. Your co-working space will come in handy while your new location is being prepped for productivity.


Have A Soft Opening


According to merchant solutions provider Talus Pay, a soft opening is a smart idea for new businesses (and this applies to moved businesses as well). Effectively, a soft opening is an invitation-based event that allows you to work out any kinks in your operation. These are useful for retail and food service establishments.


Ensure That Employees Are In Place


Unfortunately, your staff can’t always move along with you. Spend some time vetting potential candidates for your new location before you move. Having the right people in place is paramount to your success both in the early days and in the long term. According to City Personnel, you can utilize video conferencing if you’re too far away to meet in person.


Hire The Right Moving Partner


When you’re moving your business, chances are you’re moving your home as well. Make sure that you choose the right moving partner to handle each of these actions. For your home or condo, Webster & Co. is your go-to partner for professional packing, storage, and moving. Ask your moving representative about renting a storage unit for business inventory that you’re not quite ready to move into your new location. Remember, you’re already going to be busy enough without having to worry about whether grandma’s China made it safely to your new home.


There are so many moving parts that go into moving a business. It’s easy to let some of the slip through the cracks. But with a little bit of planning, which includes registering your business in your new state, updating your marketing materials, finding a place to work, and, importantly, choosing the right moving partner, you can make your move a smooth and seamless experience for all.



Special thanks to Andrea Needham @ for yet another fantastic piece for our blog!!



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